
Pocket Bikes are NOT all the same. Different manufacturers make bikes that
look similar to ours (some go as far as even naming them similar), but cannot even begin to compare to our beasts!


MiniPocketRockets carries only the best pocket bikes that meet our strict 57-point quality standards. The imitation mini motos are made to look similar to our bikes, but have inferior construction and slow generic motors. The pictures you see on our site are taken of the actual pocket bikes. You can see & feel the difference with our motorcycles!

Remember, we are here to assist you every step of the way providing you with bargain upgrades, quality parts and FREE technical support for life!

For questions, please call us Toll Free at 1-888-MPR-BIKES

MiniPocketRockets  |  PO BOX 130  |  TEMPLE CITY CA 91780
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